Amazon’s announcement to spend $700 Million to re-train over 100,000 employees by 2025 to do more high-tech tasks is truly a sign of the times as this #NewYorkTimes article explains Many companies are feeling the same need because of low unemployment rates and the logical step to train and promote from within rather than looking outside of the company to fill new positions arising because of rapid advances in technology.
This approach of educating and subsequently promoting from within is not new, and it certainly isn’t only beneficial for large corporations like Amazon. At #AvionConsulting our customized #Team Development, #OrganizationalDevelopment and #LeadershipDevelopment programs have made it possible for our clients to successfully navigate this process. In some cases, all 3 types of development are necessary in order for the transition to result in optimized team performance and overall success of the company. For example, if a team member is being educated and promoted not only to a higher skill level but also a managerial position, they will require development to function well within their team as a leader. This also results in a shift in the organizational landscape, which is where a company will need training in organizational development and specifically #organizationalchange.
Would your company benefit from this educate and promote from within approach? We value your input and invite you to join our newsletter for further discussion at